What are the advantages?
Makes your survey more relevant for the respondent as one does not have to answer illogical questions.
Could make your survey shorter as, depending on the responses, the respondent does not have to answer as many questions.
How to add branching in your survey:
1. Create your survey as usual.
2. Click Overview.
3. Click Add / edit branching under the response mechanism the rule is desired for.
Note: Branching can only be created if the response alternatives consist of radio buttons or drop-down menu. It is only possible to create rules in one response mechanism per question. We recommend that you never sort or change the order of questions once the branching has been created, as this would increase the risk of errors.
4. A new window is now opened where all response alternatives are shown. Next to the response alternatives a drop-down menu of questions is displayed.
5. By selecting a question the respondent is moved there according to the conditions you have set. Save.
6. Done!