Feedback solutions

Working from Home report in Sweden
How are your remote teams coping?
Find out how your employees are handling working from home and what they need from you during the Covid crisis.
Maintain close relationships and collaboration
Stay on top of what key stakeholders needs with 360-degree feedback from employees, managers, customers, board and suppliers.
Collaboration regardless of distance
Keep in touch with your employees and maintain a continuous dialogue with pulse surveys.

Helping you to stay in control and be proactive

The future of work

Report: Is flexible work the new normal?
We asked 1,500 Swedes about working from home during the corona crisis.
Leading a remote team: 4 steps to high morale
Inspiration for keeping employee morale high while we continue to work from home.
6 tips for working from home productively
We share our top tips for successfully transitioning from the office to the home office.

Let us show you around

Learn more about the platform and our COVID-19 feedback resources.

Leadership insights

Gustaf Ekelund on preparing for the future
Our co-founder's thoughts on how companies should begin to prepare themselves for the future.
Berta Maso on HR leadership during the corona crisis
An article that will resonate with HR professionals working through the pandemic.

Helping you build stronger relationships with customers and employees

We take your security seriously, with full GDPR compliance and servers based in the EU.
Our in-house team of insight consultants offers continuous support and expertise.
Powerful but intuitive, with insights and reports available at the click of a button.
Netigate API and custom-developed add-ons make integration easy.