Drag & Drop
In order to facilitate your editing of surveys we have created a new Drag & Drop feature for the overview area. This means that it will be easier to rearrange the questions in a survey by simply dragging them into the right places. You can also drag mechanisms between the questions.
We have also made it easier to edit the text directly from the overview menu. Change the text by clicking the question, the answer alternatives, or the mechanism headers. This function is compatible with iPhone, iPad and Android and works in all browsers.
Now it’s easier for you to keep your surveys neat and orderly. Under Settings you’ll find Survey categories which allows you to add new categories and to delete old ones. Then back in the overview menu you’re able to simply drag your surveys into the right categories.
New advanced search function
In order to help you more quickly find what you are looking for we have developed a better search function which you’ll find to the right in the start menu. When you are searching for a word you’ll get hits in the categories: Surveys, Questions, Respondents and Logins, which are clearly separated with different colors. If you search for a specific respondent you can click the person’s name to see which surveys they have participated in, and also what they answered.
There is also a checkbox to allow search in open text answers.
Instant rewards for respondents
Our new Netigate features allows you to give your respondents an instant reward right after they have finished their survey. The respondent receives immediate access to a code who allows him/her to receive, for example, a lottery ticket. You purchase a number of codes and put a limit on how many codes will be distributed. The advantage of giving the respondent a reward directly after the survey is that it will increase the motivation to participate compared to if the reward lies somewhere in the future.
The service is provided in cooperation with Svenska spel and only available within Sweden.
We have developed new functions to the Wordcloud feature which allows you to adjust it to better suit your survey.
A word cloud is a compiling of the open text answers where frequently used words are more prominently written. This makes it easier for you to get a good overview of the open text answers which are clear and neat to use in presentations.
Now we have made it possible to adjust the Wordcloud to make it more relevant for your survey. By clicking a specific word you’ll see all the comments where this word is included.
When you hover over a word you will see a little grey box with alternatives. You see how many times this word is used in the survey and you can choose if you want to exclude or blacklist the word. If you exclude a word it disappears from the Wordcloud in just that survey. You can easily reset the word in the same place.
A blacklisted word will be excluded in all surveys in the account. You can edit and reset these words from settings in the start menu.