We know that multitasking increases the risk for losing focus. Moreover, missing important details can even influence an applicant’s perspective of a company. On the other hand, developing and improving the recruitment process could have a positive impact on successful talent acquisition in the long run. Surprisingly, there is still a lot of unawareness about how much the hiring process impacts a company’s overall productivity and (employer) branding.
Recruiter-candidate interaction goes a long way for candidate experience
The hiring process seems to be as important as managing customer relationships. Today, HR’s ability to clearly and accurately communicate core values of the company to candidates is more important than ever. On the contrary, poor recruiting can be fatal for any business. Reports state that 22% of British workers believe that the candidate experience has a higher impact on a brand than the customer experience.
Fortunately, it is quite easy for businesses to intervene in the recruitment process; not only successful hires but all candidates are an opportunity to evaluate and optimise the recruitment process.
3 Keys to ensure candidate satisfaction
The following points have shown to lead to the most common recruitment mistakes.
1. Transparency
We have probably all been there. Regardless how much time a candidate puts into completing and submitting an application for an open position, most of the time it goes unanswered. Rather than receiving a reply to an application, most candidates receive a mass email. Some candidates never know if their applications actually made it into a recruiter’s inbox.
Don’t allow your recruitment process to become a black hole in cyberspace. If you post a job ad, make sure you reply to application submissions in a timely manner—just as if you were looking for a job yourself. Automatic replies are a great option. If you decide to move a candidate further in the recruitment process or not, keep them informed about the steps in the process. In the end, the best candidates find other jobs, and go off the market sooner than you think.
2. Efficiency
According to the Human Capital Benchmarking Report, it takes an average of 42 days to fill an open position. The fact is that a stretched-out hiring process does not increase the quality of the range of candidates. In fact, you are more likely to lose candidates who are in high demand, even if they have reached an advanced stage in your process. Additionally, the longer the hiring process, the less engaged candidates become.
In the end, the goal is to fill a position efficiently without leaving a productivity gap. You initiated a recruitment process and you are serious about filling that spot. Bear in mind that it takes approximately eight months for a new hire to reach maximum productivity levels.
3. Open-mindedness
As mentioned earlier, all candidates matter and deserve respect and appreciation. Even if they don’t fulfill all the requirements, every candidate that goes through your recruiting process is another opportunity to provide you with insight to improve candidate satisfaction—and the overall success of your hiring process.
How did applicants learn about your job ad? This is a simple question that recruiters can ask at any stage of the recruitment process. It will also enable you to evaluate advertising channels to ensure that you are using company resources efficiently.
Collecting feedback from all candidates is vital for optimising the candidate experience. Much like the customer experience, a candidate’s satisfaction with your recruitment process plays a big role for branding and company image. If rejected or hired, the process gives you the chance to create healthy relationships with current and future applicants.
Offer a great place to work—and make the recruitment process part of the friendly environment. This will do wonders for your HR department.