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To find the template, click Create a survey in your Netigate account and filter All templates by ‘COVID-19’.
Log in to your account and click 'Create a new survey' to start using the template.
The COVID-19 survey template has been designed by our in-house feedback experts. You can use the template exactly as it is, or make alterations to create a perfect fit for your business.
✔ Learn how your employees are managing in the aftermath of the crisis.
✔ Understand what your employees need to continue working efficiently—regardless of their location.
✔ Evaluate how the pandemic has altered our ways of working.
✔ Use the feedback to inform your plans for the future.
✔ Use the survey as a one-time send out, or as part of a regular pulse program.
To find the template, click Create a survey in your Netigate account and filter All templates by ‘COVID-19’.