The new COVID-19 survey template is here

Log in to your account and click 'Create a new survey' to start using the template.

The COVID-19 survey template has been designed by our in-house feedback experts. You can use the template exactly as it is, or make alterations to create a perfect fit for your business.

✔ Learn how your employees are managing in the aftermath of the crisis.

✔ Understand what your employees need to continue working efficiently—regardless of their location.

✔ Evaluate how the pandemic has altered our ways of working.

✔ Use the feedback to inform your plans for the future.

✔ Use the survey as a one-time send out, or as part of a regular pulse program.

Survey topics covered

Information exchange
Information exchange_COVID follow up survey
Information exchange
Assess how successfully information has been shared with employees during the crisis.
Daily work and tasks
Daily work and tasks_COVID follow up survey with Netigate
Daily work and tasks
Find out how you can continue to meet employee needs and how our daily work has changed for the better.
The future of work
future of work_COVID follow up survey with Netigate
The future of work
How might the corona crisis influence the way you work in the future?



Sign in to your Netigate account— or begin a free trial— to get started.

To find the template, click Create a survey in your Netigate account and filter All templates by ‘COVID-19’.



Additional COVID-19 resources from Netigate

Working from home: survey findings
Netigate joined a team of experts to ask 1,500 Swedish people about working from home during the Corona crisis.
COVID-19 Stakeholder reports
Get 360-degree feedback on how well you are performing during the crisis. Understand your employees, managers, customers, board and suppliers.
Tips for working from home
Our 6 key tips for successfully transitioning from the office to the home office.