Obviously, your NPS is not a terminal number. A quick Google search will give you page after page with suggestions on how to improve your Net Promoter Score; some are quite elaborate and somewhat time-consuming, others are so simple and logical that you would probably have thought of them yourself after cudgelling your brain for a little while. Improving your net promoter score is mostly simply an exercise of listening and using the right NPS software.
Here are five clever ways to help you improve your Net Promoter Score:
- Conduct more thorough Voice of Customer surveys. You could have specific surveys for visitors to your website and customers who come to your brick-and-mortar store. The more focused your survey is, the better your actionable market feedback will be. Very often, a small change here and there can lead to a noticeable increase in your NPS.
- When you always provide consistent, high-quality service, your customers are very likely to have positive customer experience, thus increasing the chance that they will recommend your product or service to others. The power of consistency is sure to generate both loyalty as well as recommendations from your customers.
- Encourage your loyal customers to promote your product on social media. Make sure that you reward them in some way, and you in return will be rewarded with a valuable asset who will continue to praise and promote your brand, thus leading new customers to you.
- Ask your loyal customers what they think you should do to be even better. You can conduct a survey aimed at your promoters or even create research panels for this purpose alone.
- Learn from your detractors! While your promotors are valuable for your business, you mustn’t ignore the feedback you get from your detractors. Learning why they are unwilling to recommend your brand is a key to understanding what you need to do in order to improve and hopefully turn your detractors into promoters. An easy way to approach your unhappy customers is with a customer churn survey. This tells them that their opinion matters to you, which might already be a step in the right direction…