The digital solution for the Supply Chain Act

Software solution with detailed instructions and free templates

The Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (short: Supply Chain Act; even shorter: LkSG) was introduced on 1 January, 2023 and will become stricter for German companies in 2024. The Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) is the responsible authority and with Netigate's digital solution, we strongly adhere to the required guidelines. With our DSGVO-compliant survey software, we offer the following free templates:

Netigate is a reliable partner for more than 1,500 companies worldwide

Get started straight away with these free templates:

Set up your complaints procedure effortlessly

The complaints procedure ensures that companies take responsibility for compliance with human rights and environmental standards throughout their supply chain. The BAFA complaints procedure must be accessible to both internal and external parties and freely available at all times without time restrictions. It should also be easily accessible and anonymous to all stakeholders in order to mitigate possible negative consequences. Language accessibility is to be ensured through simple terminology and a variety of different languages. Netigate offers a free sample complaint procedure template with step-by-step instructions that you can implement directly in your company.

Apply your risk analysis according to LkSG directly

According to BAFA, risk analysis is the basis for effective risk management in companies and an essential part of the due diligence obligations to be carried out. Through risk analysis, affected companies should identify human rights legal and environmental risks in their supply chains and assess these risks in the overall context. Furthermore, imminent risks in particular should be prioritised and potential risks minimised or prevented as well as possible. With Netigate's ready-made risk analysis template you can start directly with your first analyses for your own business unit and your suppliers.

Optimise your business relationship with your suppliers

With the help of supplier surveys, as an important part of supplier management, you can strengthen the relationship between your company and your suppliers and thereby improve the quality and reliability of your supply chain. You can identify potential safety risks and areas for improvement at an early stage and therefore increase customer satisfaction. With Netigate's supplier survey template, you can get started and send out your first surveys to your suppliers right away.

Supplier self-assessment for easy selection of suitable suppliers

The supplier self-assessment helps your company to collect all relevant data about your suppliers and to compare them objectively with minimal effort. Furthermore, it enables you to select the best suppliers through a measurable evaluation and also to check existing suppliers for relevant aspects. With our sample template you can send your supplier self-disclosure directly to your potential and existing suppliers - even password-protected with login lists.

Start right away with your free templates

Use our templates immediately in our free trial version for 30 days and gain your first insights in no time. Our experts will be happy to help you with your LkSG projects. If you have questions about the Supply Chain Act and how you can solve them digitally with Netigate, please book an appointment with us.

Everything you need to know about the Supply Chain Act:

German Supply Chain Act. Full Fuide on how to master the new law with the help of supplier surveys
Mastering the supply chain law - with the help of supplier surveys
In our eBook, we illustrate with practical tips how professional supplier surveys and supplier self-assessments can help you meet the requirements of the Supply Chain Act.
Tankschiff im Hafen - Sinnbild für Lieferkette
The Supply Chain Act explained simply
In this article we take a look at the Supply Chain Act and explain everything you need to know about it: What exactly does this law mean and how can companies comply with it? To this end, we would like to give you a simple explanation of the content and implementation of the Supply Chain Act.
Supplier self-assessment vs supplier survey: When do I choose which survey?
Find out how a supplier survey differs from a supplier self-assessment. Even though they can certainly both be carried out using the same survey tool. But what are the exact differences? And which one is better suited to your needs?


Netigate's survey tool allows you to run all the different supply chain surveys you need. You can create any survey from scratch or choose from our database of ready-to-send templates that include:

  • supplier survey.
  • Supplier Self-Assessment
  • LkSG risk analysis
  • Complaint procedure
  • Yes! You can use our templates for free when you create an account with Netigate. You can also browse through our supplier templates with a test account. After logging in, click on "Create survey" in the top right-hand corner and our templates will be displayed directly to you.
    No, we offer much more: Netigate is a complete solution and survey tool for employee and customer feedback. You can also conduct customer surveys, employee surveys and market research through our platform.

    Do you need a standardised solution for the Supply Chain Act?

    In a personal tour through our feedback management tool, our experts will show you how to ensure an optimal digital solution with fast and secure implementation.