
Mit Hilfe der Benutzerverwaltung ist es möglich, auch anderen Nutzern Einsicht in die Ergebnisse der Befragung zu geben.


Welcome to the Netigate Community!

It’s all about insight. Netigate was founded on the belief that knowledge is the key…

Welcome to the Netigate Community!

With interactive survey Dashboards you can visualize your key survey data

With the survey Dashboards you are able to visualize and share key information, whenever you…

With interactive survey Dashboards you can visualize your key survey data

New features: Drag & Drop, Categories, New Search, Wordclouds – Netigate

We have released several new features to the Netigate tool. Hopefully you will find them…

New features: Drag & Drop, Categories, New Search, Wordclouds – Netigate