When you provide your offer online you lose the personal face-to-face contact you get with customers in bricks-and-mortar stores. It becomes harder to get to know your customers and really understand what they think about the purchase experience and products. Using e-commerce surveys is a great way to start to reduce distance, get closer to customers and initiate an ongoing dialogue. Eventually, surveys will help your company improve in every way, get more loyal customers and increase profitability.
What does it take to be able to call your company a customer-centric company? Is it enough to put words like “We think customer first” on your website or in a fancy PowerPoint presentation? Of course not; you have to deliver a great product, in a great way, and you need to provide the customer with great service all the way, even after the point of purchase. Read more about what working with customer feedback in a predictive way means and then ask yourself four questions to find out if your company really does.
86% of consumers have quit doing business with a company because of a bad customer experience and it is 6 to 7 times more costly to acquire a new customer than retaining an existing one. Everyone knows that customer satisfaction is important but every now and then we need a reminder. Take a look at this infographic to get a short summary of why you need to keep your customers happy!
Loyal customers are easier to keep, buy more and are more likely to generate new customers for you when they recommend your products or services. To measure customer loyalty – to put a concrete number on how loyal your customer is – Net Promoter Score is used widely. It is an established method used by an increasing number of companies because, among other benefits, it is easy to use and has a direct connection to profitability.
Do you know what your customers really think about your company? In today's society with increasing numbers of products and services it is more important then ever to know your customers needs so you can keep them loyal. Measuring customer satisfaction in an action based way gives you the information you need to quickly take relevant action and keep your customers happy. Read more about how customer satisfaction generates greater returns, why measuring customer satisfaction is so important for your business, and how you can increase loyalty in the most efficient way.
There is usually a lot of focus in the business on making sales. However, one of the key triggers of successful businesses is to ensure your customers also remain customers. To track the cancellation of your customers the term churn rate is used. In this post, I’ll be examining a way to improve your churn rate and push it down closer to 0% using churn surveys.